Murxla Documentation

Murxla is a modular and highly-extensible model-based API fuzzer for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers.

Its name is derived from the German (rather informal) word Murks, which can be translated as “screw-up”. Murxla is a tool to find Murkses (bugs) in SMT solvers via API fuzzing.

Murxla is written in C++ and aims at being a comprehensive fuzzing tool that

  • generates valid sequences of solver API calls

  • records these sequences in a simple text-based trace format (see Tracing)

  • provides support for minimizing and replaying these traces while preserving the original behavior of the solver (delta-debugging)


The architecture of Murxla.

Murxla builds on top of a generic solver interface (see Solver Wrappers) and provides full SMT-LIB support in terms of semantics, features, standard theories. It further provides experimental support for some non-standard theories (sequences, sets, bags).

Murxla is fully compatible with and configurable for solver-specific features, extensions, and restrictions. It provides support for

  • option fuzzing (randomly configuring solver options based on the options model of the solver)

  • cross-checking mode, where the answers of two different solvers are compared with each other

  • correctness checks for retrieved model values, unsat assumptions, and unsat cores

  • translating generated API traces to SMT-LIBv2 (if they don’t use solver-specific extensions)

  • SMT-LIBv2 input fuzzing

Table of Contents